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Resources and Opportunities

Students at Chinese Language Table

Weekly Chinese Table

Another special feature of the program is the Chinese Table, or 中文桌子,which is offered once a week for students to chat freely with their teachers and other Chinese native speakers. Visit the Bowdoin College Calendar for Chinese Table time and location details.

Students hug at Awards Ceremony

Student Awards

Lily Susman '16  Fulbright Teaching Fellow, 2016

Eduardo Jaramillo '17 Robert S. Good Friend Summer Internship Fund (Kunming, China 2016)

Maya Little '15 Critical Language, 2014

Kevin MacKenzie '15 Critical Language, 2015

Eduardo Jaramillo '17  winner of the third Place at advanced-level and the title of "Hainan Airlines Cultural Ambassadors" at the sixth annual Chinese Bridge Speech Contest for University Students in New England, 2016 Spring

Great Wall of China

Study Away Programs

The Chinese Department strongly encourages students to apply for study abroad programs, as a path-way toward social-cultural and linguistic immersion. Students may choose to study away any time after their first-year language training at Bowdoin, and up to two full Bowdoin credits may count toward the minor.

Many outstanding programs on the College’s approval list include:

"The Chinese department is a close-knit community that allows students to develop close relationships with professors and classmates." —Eduardo Jaramillo '17

Orientation to the Chinese Program at Bowdoin